The transition from an addiction-filled life to sobriety is laced with ups and downs. Due to the complicated nature of addiction, it is possible for an individual to relapse even after completing treatment.
To remain sober, the individual has to be conscious and deliberate about navigating life and avoiding triggers thrown at them.
If you just got sober, here are some tips to remain this way
- Get a support system
Nobody can go through life by themselves. With the involvement of addiction, it becomes more challenging to think you can handle your post-recovery period alone.
You need the right set of people around to provide the support that keeps you going.
Generally, the support system would constitute your counselor, therapist, family, sober friends, and acquaintances, etc. You should always have people that encourage you to remain sober.

- Keep up with aftercare treatment
It is normal to feel vibrant and energetic after addiction recovery. This is why some people feel reluctant to keep going for aftercare treatment because they are doing great. However, it is important not to underrate aftercare treatment.
This treatment phase helps to remind you about your coping strategies and how you can keep implementing them successfully. See the aftercare treatment as an accountability group that keeps tabs on you to prevent you from relapsing.
- Live a healthy life
As subtle as it sounds, implementing healthy life practices can be difficult but the benefits are numerous. You need a healthy life to help you remain sober after addiction recovery. With healthy life practices, you will be able to keep addiction at bay.
- Manage your stress levels
It is quite impossible to state that you can completely keep stress out of the occasion. No matter how rested or free you might be, stress has a way of creeping up on you. All you have to do is manage your stress levels to prevent them from going overboard.
Finally, it is important to always keep in touch with your counselor and be accountable to them to prevent a relapse after addiction recovery.